OpenSoar Version v7.42.22.A (2024/04/21)

(Pre-)Release A!

This is Git-Version (Git-Tag) v7.42.22.A of OpenSoar, but don't push any own commits after this because the base will be rebuild! The Hash of this state is '40eb010ade', normally you will seen this in the splash screen/info page!
Differences from the XCSoar: see below

OpenSoar Windows:

OpenSoar Linux:

The Linux executable is still missing the deb installation package - it may not run due to missing dependencies (this is a work in progress, don't need to be reported to me)

OpenSoar Android:

Please keep in mind that unfortunately the Android version is currently unsigned ;-(
A signed version is currently in the works, prepared for the GooglePlayStore - but before this can be installed, the 'unsigned' version must be completely uninstalled. So also with all the data... ;-(
We are still working on a solution to this problem, so we are currently leaving the signing status as it is!

There is already a signed version here, but a lot can still change - especially in the location of the data:

OpenSoar Kobo:

OpenSoar at OpenVario 3.2.22.A-CB2: