OpenSoar Version v7.39.19 (2023/08/17)

This is Git-Version (Git-Tag) v7.39.19, but don't push any own Commits after this because the base will be rebuild! The Hash of this state is '01479838', normally you will seen this in the splash screen/info page! Different from the XCSoar master:

(WIP) means: Work In Progress: This isn't really ready up to now, it should work, but here there is some review missing!

OpenSoar Windows:

OpenSoar Linux:

The Linux executable is still missing the deb installation package - it may not run due to missing dependencies (this is a work in progress, don't need to be reported to me)

OpenSoar Android:

OpenSoar at OpenVario 3.0.1-19-CB2:

Autostart OpenSoar in ov-shell